ME7848A Anritsu Optical Network Analyzer


Key Features

  • The ME7848A 200 Series ONA is capable of error-corrected transfer function, group delay and return loss measurements for E / O and O / E components and subsystems.

  • The MN4765B O / E calibration module is a thermally stable photodiode reference standard detector that eliminates drift over the temperature range. An accurate bias voltage to the photodiode is maintained internally.

  • The MN4775A E/O modulator includes a lithium niobate (LiNbO3) modulator stabilized by a fully automatic bias controller and a tunable or fixed wavelength laser source. The excellent stability ensures consistent characteristics during measurements at the photoelectric DUT detector and receiver.

  • Amplitude and phase characterization of the O/E calibration module is obtained using primary standards characterized by the National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST and maintained in the Anritsu calibration lab.

  • A built-in application menu provides guidance to guide the user through the setup and calibration required to perform E/O, O/O and O/E measurements.

  • Use the full 12-item calibration with de-embedding to make stable and repeatable measurements on optoelectronic devices using the VectorStar VNA.

The VectorStar ME7848A ONA can be easily modified to a different wavelength by adding the appropriate MN4775A E / O converter and MN4765B O / E calibration detector. The VectorStar ME7838A 100 series can be upgraded to the 200 series by including the appropriate MN4775A E / O converter.



The ME7848A Optical Network Analyzer (ONA) provides a modular approach to optical measurements of O / E, E / O and O / O devices operating at 850, 1310 and 1550 nm wavelengths. Two configurations are available: the VectorStar ME7848A-100 series includes the MN4765B O / E calibration module, while the VectorStar ME7848A-200 series adds the MN4775A E / O converter.

The VectorStar ME7848A-200 Series has the ability to quickly switch between O/E, E/O and O/O measurements with specified traceable measurements established by the MN4765B O/E calibration module.

The VectorStar ME7848A ONA can be easily modified to different wavelengths by adding the appropriate MN4775A E / O converter and MN4765B O / E calibration detector. By including the appropriate MN4775A E / O converter, the VectorStar ME7838A-100 series can be upgraded to the 200 series.

Application Areas

Optical modulators, photodetectors, amplifiers, optical modulation drivers, amplifiers, bias networks, optical fibers, attenuators, optical transmitter/receiver modules

ME7848A Anritsu Optical Network Analyzer

Key Features

  • The ME7848A 200 Series ONA is capable of error-corrected transfer function, group delay and return loss measurements for E / O and O / E components and subsystems.

  • The MN4765B O / E calibration module is a thermally stable photodiode reference standard detector that eliminates drift over the temperature range. An accurate bias voltage to the photodiode is maintained internally.

  • The MN4775A E/O modulator includes a lithium niobate (LiNbO3) modulator stabilized by a fully automatic bias controller and a tunable or fixed wavelength laser source. The excellent stability ensures consistent characteristics during measurements at the photoelectric DUT detector and receiver.

  • Amplitude and phase characterization of the O/E calibration module is obtained using primary standards characterized by the National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST and maintained in the Anritsu calibration lab.

  • A built-in application menu provides guidance to guide the user through the setup and calibration required to perform E/O, O/O and O/E measurements.

  • Use the full 12-item calibration with de-embedding to make stable and repeatable measurements on optoelectronic devices using the VectorStar VNA.

The VectorStar ME7848A ONA can be easily modified to a different wavelength by adding the appropriate MN4775A E / O converter and MN4765B O / E calibration detector. The VectorStar ME7838A 100 series can be upgraded to the 200 series by including the appropriate MN4775A E / O converter.



The ME7848A Optical Network Analyzer (ONA) provides a modular approach to optical measurements of O / E, E / O and O / O devices operating at 850, 1310 and 1550 nm wavelengths. Two configurations are available: the VectorStar ME7848A-100 series includes the MN4765B O / E calibration module, while the VectorStar ME7848A-200 series adds the MN4775A E / O converter.

The VectorStar ME7848A-200 Series has the ability to quickly switch between O/E, E/O and O/O measurements with specified traceable measurements established by the MN4765B O/E calibration module.

The VectorStar ME7848A ONA can be easily modified to different wavelengths by adding the appropriate MN4775A E / O converter and MN4765B O / E calibration detector. By including the appropriate MN4775A E / O converter, the VectorStar ME7838A-100 series can be upgraded to the 200 series.

Application Areas

Optical modulators, photodetectors, amplifiers, optical modulation drivers, amplifiers, bias networks, optical fibers, attenuators, optical transmitter/receiver modules