MS46122B Anritsu USB Vector Network Analyzer


Key Features.

  • The world's first compact VNA series to offer cost-effective measurements at frequencies up to 43.5 GHz.

  • PC control efficiently utilizes the processing power and functionality of an external computer

  • Small 1U high-grade package makes efficient use of bench and rack space

  • No on-board data storage, eliminating the need for data erasure in secure applications

  • Time domain with time domain gate option simplifies and accelerates fault identification

  • ShockLine series uses a common GUI interface to reduce conversion costs between models


The MS46122B compact vector network analyzer with a frequency range of 1 MHz - 8/20/43.5 GHz features patented ShockLine VNA chip-level technology that simplifies the internal VNA architecture, increases frequency, reduces equipment cost, and enhances accuracy and measurement repeatability.The entire MS46122B family is a low-cost, fully bi-directional 2-port VNA designed for RF microwave applications in manufacturing, engineering, and education. The MS46122B all have a scan speed of 130 microseconds per point and above 100dB dynamic range for all types of equipment test applications. These new VNAs are available in a very compact 1U chassis package and can be controlled externally by connecting to a USB on the user's PC running the same graphical user interface (GUI) software as the rest of the VNA ShockLine series. The series does not have any on-board memory, simplifying its use in security applications. The lower cost, compact size and performance of this MS46122B series VNA make it ideal for passive device testing applications requiring high performance and small size.


Application Areas.

  • RF and microwave passive component testing and troubleshooting

  • System integration applications: system calibration, path loss characterization, general S-parameter and time domain measurements

  • Wireless power transmission applications

  • Optical & electro-optical applications: optical carrier radio communications and digital information interfaces, cable TV networks, satellite base stations, telephone systems, optical transceivers, laser modulators


Main performance and specifications

Frequency range

MS46122B-010,1 MHz 到 8 GHz,   N(阴)   端口

MS46122B-020,1 MHz 到 20 GHz, 加固型   K(阳)  端口 

MS46122B-040,1 MHz 到 43.5 GHz, 加固型  K(阳)  端口

(加固型 K(阳) 端口  兼容 3.5 mm 和 SMA 连接器)

Dynamic range

> 110 dB@14 GHz ~ 43.5 GHz, 典型值

Test Speed

130 us / 点,典型值

High level noise

0.001dB, 20 MHz ~ 43.5 GHz, 典型值

Measurement parameters

S11, S21, S12, S22 和 a1, a2, b1, b2, 1 的任意组合

Display Format

对数幅度,相位,群时延,线性幅度,实部,虚部,驻波比, 阻抗,史密斯圆图 (阻抗圆图),极坐标

Test Points


2 到 16,001点

Restriction Line

单个或分段(最高 50 段),每条曲线 2 个限制线


10, 20, 50, 70, 100, 200, 300, 500, 700 Hz

1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 20, 30, 50, 70, 100,200, 300 kHz

MS46122B Anritsu USB Vector Network Analyzer

Key Features.

  • The world's first compact VNA series to offer cost-effective measurements at frequencies up to 43.5 GHz.

  • PC control efficiently utilizes the processing power and functionality of an external computer

  • Small 1U high-grade package makes efficient use of bench and rack space

  • No on-board data storage, eliminating the need for data erasure in secure applications

  • Time domain with time domain gate option simplifies and accelerates fault identification

  • ShockLine series uses a common GUI interface to reduce conversion costs between models


The MS46122B compact vector network analyzer with a frequency range of 1 MHz - 8/20/43.5 GHz features patented ShockLine VNA chip-level technology that simplifies the internal VNA architecture, increases frequency, reduces equipment cost, and enhances accuracy and measurement repeatability.The entire MS46122B family is a low-cost, fully bi-directional 2-port VNA designed for RF microwave applications in manufacturing, engineering, and education. The MS46122B all have a scan speed of 130 microseconds per point and above 100dB dynamic range for all types of equipment test applications. These new VNAs are available in a very compact 1U chassis package and can be controlled externally by connecting to a USB on the user's PC running the same graphical user interface (GUI) software as the rest of the VNA ShockLine series. The series does not have any on-board memory, simplifying its use in security applications. The lower cost, compact size and performance of this MS46122B series VNA make it ideal for passive device testing applications requiring high performance and small size.


Application Areas.

  • RF and microwave passive component testing and troubleshooting

  • System integration applications: system calibration, path loss characterization, general S-parameter and time domain measurements

  • Wireless power transmission applications

  • Optical & electro-optical applications: optical carrier radio communications and digital information interfaces, cable TV networks, satellite base stations, telephone systems, optical transceivers, laser modulators


Main performance and specifications

Frequency range

MS46122B-010,1 MHz 到 8 GHz,   N(阴)   端口

MS46122B-020,1 MHz 到 20 GHz, 加固型   K(阳)  端口 

MS46122B-040,1 MHz 到 43.5 GHz, 加固型  K(阳)  端口

(加固型 K(阳) 端口  兼容 3.5 mm 和 SMA 连接器)

Dynamic range

> 110 dB@14 GHz ~ 43.5 GHz, 典型值

Test Speed

130 us / 点,典型值

High level noise

0.001dB, 20 MHz ~ 43.5 GHz, 典型值

Measurement parameters

S11, S21, S12, S22 和 a1, a2, b1, b2, 1 的任意组合

Display Format

对数幅度,相位,群时延,线性幅度,实部,虚部,驻波比, 阻抗,史密斯圆图 (阻抗圆图),极坐标

Test Points


2 到 16,001点

Restriction Line

单个或分段(最高 50 段),每条曲线 2 个限制线


10, 20, 50, 70, 100, 200, 300, 500, 700 Hz

1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 20, 30, 50, 70, 100,200, 300 kHz