B1500A keysight istec semiconductor device parameter analyser/semiconductor characterisation system mainframe, parameter


The Keysight B1500A is a next-generation semiconductor parameter analyser designed to assess the reliability of advanced CMOS LSI (Large Scale Integration) circuits. In addition, the B1500A features high-resolution IV test performance capable of 0.1fA/0.5uV measurement resolution and supports CV testing up to 5MHz.The B1500A also places special emphasis on its ability to handle NBTI/PBT MOSFET threshold voltage (Vth) degradation, a critical issue in advanced semiconductor reliability.

The B1500A not only supports basic current-voltage (IV) and capacitance-voltage (CV) measurements, but also offers industry-leading fast pulse IV/fast IV/instantaneous IV measurement functions, making it a versatile device characterisation analyser. Its modular design and ten-slot configuration supports IV and CV measurements, and the user interface is in the familiar MS Windows style, which, together with EasyEXPERT software, provides a more intuitive task-oriented approach to device characterisation.

What are the latest software updates and feature improvements for the Keysight B1500A?

The latest software updates and feature improvements for the Keysight B1500A include the following:

EasyEXPERT Software Support: The B1500A semiconductor device analyser now supports Keysight's new EasyEXPERT software, which provides a new, more intuitive task-oriented approach to device characterisation. easyEXPERT software handles all IV-CV switching and error compensation, which is great for simplifying test system configuration. .

PC Platform Update: The PC platform for the B1500A has been updated and now includes the Windows 10 operating system. This means users will enjoy the new features and improved security that Windows 10 brings.

Modular Architecture: The B1500A features a ten-slot modular architecture that allows users to add or upgrade measurement modules as their measurement needs change. This flexibility is essential to meet changing testing needs.

EasyEXPERT group+ software: The B1500A is equipped with resident GUI (graphical user interface) software, EasyEXPERT group+, based on the embedded Windows 10 platform, which supports efficient and repeatable device characterisation.

WGFMU Module Support: Up to five WGFMU modules can be installed on the B1500A mainframe, with two channels on each WGFMU module, which provides powerful support for applications such as characterising flash memory units.

The latest software updates and feature enhancements for the Keysight B1500A focus on improving the user experience, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of device characterisation, and improving the flexibility and scalability of the system.

How do I compare the performance and price of the Keysight B1500A with other similar semiconductor parameter analysers?

The Keysight B1500A Semiconductor Parameter Analyser has the following performance and price features compared to other similar products:


The B1500A supports IV, CV, and fast pulse IV measurements and is capable of providing extremely high measurement reliability. This demonstrates that it is a comprehensive device characterisation solution for a wide range of electronic devices, materials, semiconductors and active/passive components.

The instrument is a modular instrument with a 10-slot configuration that supports IV and CV measurements as well as fast high-voltage pulse measurements. This modular design increases its flexibility and applicability.

However, when compared to the Tektronix 4200A-SCS, for pulsed I-V testing, the B1500A has a maximum pulse voltage of ±10 V, whereas the Model 4200-SCS can reach ±40 V. This suggests that the B1500A may not be able to meet the higher voltage requirements in some specific application scenarios.

The Keysight B1500A Semiconductor Parameter Analyser offers a full range of device characterisation capabilities in terms of performance, and is particularly well suited to application scenarios that require IV, CV, and fast pulse IV measurements. While it may not be as good as some of its competitors for certain high-voltage pulse tests, its modular design and incentives for specific user groups, such as researchers and educators, make it competitive in the marketplace. Price-wise, the B1500A offers users a more economical option through special offers and educational discounts.

What are the specific technical details of the Keysight B1500A in dealing with NBTI/PBT MOSFET threshold voltage degradation?

There is no direct reference to the specific technical details of the Keysight B1500A in dealing with NBTI/PBT MOSFET threshold voltage degradation. The evidence focuses on an overview of the B1500A, installation information and specifications, and a guide on how to use the B1500A for IV and CV measurements. In addition, there is research on Snapback stress-induced damage to NMOSFET gate oxides, but this has been carried out under different experimental conditions and it is not made clear whether these conditions are the same as the test environment for the B1500A.

Therefore, based on the information available, it is not possible to directly answer what the specific technical details of the Keysight B1500A are in terms of handling threshold voltage degradation of NBTI/PBT MOSFETs. It is recommended that more specialised technical documentation be consulted or that the manufacturer be contacted for detailed information.

How does the Keysight B1500A's modular design and ten-slot configuration optimise the efficiency of IV and CV measurements?

The modular design and ten-slot configuration of the Keysight B1500A optimises the efficiency of IV and CV measurements in several ways:

Modular design: The B1500A is an instrument with a modular architecture, which means it is possible to add or upgrade measurement modules as test requirements change. This flexibility allows the user to select the appropriate SMU (Source Measurement Unit) for the current measurement requirements, thereby improving measurement accuracy and efficiency.

Multi-Frequency Capacitance Measurement Unit (MFCMU): The B1500A uses a new single-slot Multi-Frequency Capacitance Measurement Unit (MFCMU) and two SMUs to support single-channel IV and CV measurements within the same host. This design makes it possible to perform simultaneous IV and CV measurements on the same probe table, a traditionally more complex task.

SCUU switching capability: The B1500A's SCUU (Semiconductor Device Analyser User Interface) allows switching between IV and CV test measurements without compromising measurement accuracy. This seamless switching capability, combined with the available 1.5 m or 3.0 m cables, further enhances measurement flexibility and efficiency.

SMU Versatility: The B1500A supports a wide range of SMUs, allowing users to easily mix and match SMU types to meet a wide range of testing needs. This diversity of SMU configurations meets virtually all equipment and material testing requirements, including an impressive 0.1 fA measurement capability and seamless IV-CV switching functionality.

Integration of four-quadrant voltage/current sourcing and measurement functions: The B1500A's SMU integrates four-quadrant voltage/current sourcing and measurement functions, enabling accurate IV measurements over an extremely wide range while supporting frequency point, sweep, pulse sampling and QS-CV measurements. This highly integrated functionality provides greater flexibility and accuracy for IV and CV measurements.

The Keysight B1500A significantly optimises the efficiency of IV and CV measurements through its modular design, multi-frequency capacitance measurement unit, seamless switching capability of the SCUUs, versatility of the SMUs, and the integration of the four-quadrant voltage/current source and measurement functions.

B1500A keysight istec semiconductor device parameter analyser/semiconductor characterisation system mainframe, parameter

The Keysight B1500A is a next-generation semiconductor parameter analyser designed to assess the reliability of advanced CMOS LSI (Large Scale Integration) circuits. In addition, the B1500A features high-resolution IV test performance capable of 0.1fA/0.5uV measurement resolution and supports CV testing up to 5MHz.The B1500A also places special emphasis on its ability to handle NBTI/PBT MOSFET threshold voltage (Vth) degradation, a critical issue in advanced semiconductor reliability.

The B1500A not only supports basic current-voltage (IV) and capacitance-voltage (CV) measurements, but also offers industry-leading fast pulse IV/fast IV/instantaneous IV measurement functions, making it a versatile device characterisation analyser. Its modular design and ten-slot configuration supports IV and CV measurements, and the user interface is in the familiar MS Windows style, which, together with EasyEXPERT software, provides a more intuitive task-oriented approach to device characterisation.

What are the latest software updates and feature improvements for the Keysight B1500A?

The latest software updates and feature improvements for the Keysight B1500A include the following:

EasyEXPERT Software Support: The B1500A semiconductor device analyser now supports Keysight's new EasyEXPERT software, which provides a new, more intuitive task-oriented approach to device characterisation. easyEXPERT software handles all IV-CV switching and error compensation, which is great for simplifying test system configuration. .

PC Platform Update: The PC platform for the B1500A has been updated and now includes the Windows 10 operating system. This means users will enjoy the new features and improved security that Windows 10 brings.

Modular Architecture: The B1500A features a ten-slot modular architecture that allows users to add or upgrade measurement modules as their measurement needs change. This flexibility is essential to meet changing testing needs.

EasyEXPERT group+ software: The B1500A is equipped with resident GUI (graphical user interface) software, EasyEXPERT group+, based on the embedded Windows 10 platform, which supports efficient and repeatable device characterisation.

WGFMU Module Support: Up to five WGFMU modules can be installed on the B1500A mainframe, with two channels on each WGFMU module, which provides powerful support for applications such as characterising flash memory units.

The latest software updates and feature enhancements for the Keysight B1500A focus on improving the user experience, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of device characterisation, and improving the flexibility and scalability of the system.

How do I compare the performance and price of the Keysight B1500A with other similar semiconductor parameter analysers?

The Keysight B1500A Semiconductor Parameter Analyser has the following performance and price features compared to other similar products:


The B1500A supports IV, CV, and fast pulse IV measurements and is capable of providing extremely high measurement reliability. This demonstrates that it is a comprehensive device characterisation solution for a wide range of electronic devices, materials, semiconductors and active/passive components.

The instrument is a modular instrument with a 10-slot configuration that supports IV and CV measurements as well as fast high-voltage pulse measurements. This modular design increases its flexibility and applicability.

However, when compared to the Tektronix 4200A-SCS, for pulsed I-V testing, the B1500A has a maximum pulse voltage of ±10 V, whereas the Model 4200-SCS can reach ±40 V. This suggests that the B1500A may not be able to meet the higher voltage requirements in some specific application scenarios.

The Keysight B1500A Semiconductor Parameter Analyser offers a full range of device characterisation capabilities in terms of performance, and is particularly well suited to application scenarios that require IV, CV, and fast pulse IV measurements. While it may not be as good as some of its competitors for certain high-voltage pulse tests, its modular design and incentives for specific user groups, such as researchers and educators, make it competitive in the marketplace. Price-wise, the B1500A offers users a more economical option through special offers and educational discounts.

What are the specific technical details of the Keysight B1500A in dealing with NBTI/PBT MOSFET threshold voltage degradation?

There is no direct reference to the specific technical details of the Keysight B1500A in dealing with NBTI/PBT MOSFET threshold voltage degradation. The evidence focuses on an overview of the B1500A, installation information and specifications, and a guide on how to use the B1500A for IV and CV measurements. In addition, there is research on Snapback stress-induced damage to NMOSFET gate oxides, but this has been carried out under different experimental conditions and it is not made clear whether these conditions are the same as the test environment for the B1500A.

Therefore, based on the information available, it is not possible to directly answer what the specific technical details of the Keysight B1500A are in terms of handling threshold voltage degradation of NBTI/PBT MOSFETs. It is recommended that more specialised technical documentation be consulted or that the manufacturer be contacted for detailed information.

How does the Keysight B1500A's modular design and ten-slot configuration optimise the efficiency of IV and CV measurements?

The modular design and ten-slot configuration of the Keysight B1500A optimises the efficiency of IV and CV measurements in several ways:

Modular design: The B1500A is an instrument with a modular architecture, which means it is possible to add or upgrade measurement modules as test requirements change. This flexibility allows the user to select the appropriate SMU (Source Measurement Unit) for the current measurement requirements, thereby improving measurement accuracy and efficiency.

Multi-Frequency Capacitance Measurement Unit (MFCMU): The B1500A uses a new single-slot Multi-Frequency Capacitance Measurement Unit (MFCMU) and two SMUs to support single-channel IV and CV measurements within the same host. This design makes it possible to perform simultaneous IV and CV measurements on the same probe table, a traditionally more complex task.

SCUU switching capability: The B1500A's SCUU (Semiconductor Device Analyser User Interface) allows switching between IV and CV test measurements without compromising measurement accuracy. This seamless switching capability, combined with the available 1.5 m or 3.0 m cables, further enhances measurement flexibility and efficiency.

SMU Versatility: The B1500A supports a wide range of SMUs, allowing users to easily mix and match SMU types to meet a wide range of testing needs. This diversity of SMU configurations meets virtually all equipment and material testing requirements, including an impressive 0.1 fA measurement capability and seamless IV-CV switching functionality.

Integration of four-quadrant voltage/current sourcing and measurement functions: The B1500A's SMU integrates four-quadrant voltage/current sourcing and measurement functions, enabling accurate IV measurements over an extremely wide range while supporting frequency point, sweep, pulse sampling and QS-CV measurements. This highly integrated functionality provides greater flexibility and accuracy for IV and CV measurements.

The Keysight B1500A significantly optimises the efficiency of IV and CV measurements through its modular design, multi-frequency capacitance measurement unit, seamless switching capability of the SCUUs, versatility of the SMUs, and the integration of the four-quadrant voltage/current source and measurement functions.