N7779C keysight Tunable Laser Source Description


The new N7779C Base Series tunable laser source, like the other new N777xC models, is ideal for cost-effective testing of broadband optical devices because of its ability to step quickly to discrete wavelengths with resolutions up to 0.1 pm and typical wavelength repeatability of ±3 pm. The short wavelength setup time (e.g., 300 ms) enables fast step scanning. 

  • Model: N7779C

  • Name: Tunable Laser Source

  • Brand:keysight

  • Category:General Electronic Test >Tunable Laser Source

  • Product Attributes:Mainframe

  • Wavelength: 1240-1380 nm or 1340-1495 nm or 1450-1650 nm or 1490-1640 nm

  • Tuning time: 300 ms in 1 nm steps

  • Maximum power: > +12 dBm peak typical (options 114, 116, 216) or > +13 dBm peak typical (option 113)

  • Signal to SSE ratio: ≥ 75 dB/nm typical

  • Absolute wavelength accuracy: ±10 pm typical

The N7779C, like other laser sources in the N777xC series, is capable of providing peak output power in excess of +12 dBm and low spontaneous emission levels. With power stability of ±0.01 dB per hour, it can also be used as a wide tuning range static local oscillator for receiver testing or transmission experiments.

All N777xC tunable laser sources feature a common cavity and laser source module design that provides the advantages of narrow linewidth, high long-term stability, and low levels of spontaneous emission. Their software is compatible with the 8160xA and 81600B laser sources that have been the industry's most popular for more than a decade, while taking up less rack space (1U less). The remote user interface on this instrument can be accessed using a web browser over a LAN or USB connection. Local operators can view current operating parameters via the optional touchscreen.

N7779C keysight Tunable Laser Source Description

The new N7779C Base Series tunable laser source, like the other new N777xC models, is ideal for cost-effective testing of broadband optical devices because of its ability to step quickly to discrete wavelengths with resolutions up to 0.1 pm and typical wavelength repeatability of ±3 pm. The short wavelength setup time (e.g., 300 ms) enables fast step scanning. 

  • Model: N7779C

  • Name: Tunable Laser Source

  • Brand:keysight

  • Category:General Electronic Test >Tunable Laser Source

  • Product Attributes:Mainframe

  • Wavelength: 1240-1380 nm or 1340-1495 nm or 1450-1650 nm or 1490-1640 nm

  • Tuning time: 300 ms in 1 nm steps

  • Maximum power: > +12 dBm peak typical (options 114, 116, 216) or > +13 dBm peak typical (option 113)

  • Signal to SSE ratio: ≥ 75 dB/nm typical

  • Absolute wavelength accuracy: ±10 pm typical

The N7779C, like other laser sources in the N777xC series, is capable of providing peak output power in excess of +12 dBm and low spontaneous emission levels. With power stability of ±0.01 dB per hour, it can also be used as a wide tuning range static local oscillator for receiver testing or transmission experiments.

All N777xC tunable laser sources feature a common cavity and laser source module design that provides the advantages of narrow linewidth, high long-term stability, and low levels of spontaneous emission. Their software is compatible with the 8160xA and 81600B laser sources that have been the industry's most popular for more than a decade, while taking up less rack space (1U less). The remote user interface on this instrument can be accessed using a web browser over a LAN or USB connection. Local operators can view current operating parameters via the optional touchscreen.