Exploring rapidly evolving technologies through innovation to reshape the human experience


keysight will explore the rapidly evolving technologies that are reshaping the human experience: innovation at keysight World: Innovation, the company's annual visionary conference for technology leaders, engineers and innovators. Industry leaders and futurists will share actionable insights on 6G, <>G, software-defined vehicles (SDV), non-terrestrial networks (NTN), and digital healthcare.

Gordon Moore challenged us all, and his predictions about the speed of innovation have implications for us that go far beyond transistor density," said Jeff Harris, vice president of product portfolio and global marketing at keysight. "Higher levels of electronic integration are giving rise to new levels of data sharing for standards like 5G and 6G, powerful integrated sensor networks capable of autonomous driving, the emergence of affordable spatial networks and the convergence of digital health technologies. We see all of these trends because our customers want us to help them create development environments that push the boundaries of these industries. keysight World: Innovation is our opportunity to share the possibilities in several key markets and hopefully inspire more engineers and designers to pursue their development insights and disrupt us all.

Each day of keysight World: Innovation will be organized around a disruptive technology theme, including opening keynotes from industry experts highlighting recent trends, moderated panel discussions covering industry challenges, visionary keynotes from industry luminaries, and demonstrations of relevant keysight solutions.

Mapping the Information Superhighway of the Meta-Universe with 5G/6G

The foundation of the metaverse is connectivity. Multiple layers of 5G and eventually 6G connectivity must seamlessly bridge connections and coexist peacefully for the metaverse to connect everything. Devices from large to small will compete for connectivity and will need to be constantly updated with devices that require ultra-fast latency. Attendees will gain insight into how the future of 5G and 6G will help map the information superhighway of the metaverse.

Opening Keynote: Jonathon Wright, Chief Evangelist, Software Testing Team, keysight

Vision Keynote: Walid Saad, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Virginia Tech

Software Defined Vehicles and the Sensor Fusion that Drives Them

SDV is the next key evolution in the automotive industry's journey toward full vehicle autonomous driving. Sensor modeling and fusion is the only way to achieve this evolution. But how does SDV make sense of all the data and identify the most important data to enable accurate, near-instantaneous decisions on the road? Attendees will discover how much AI/machine learning processing is required for autonomous driving to work reliably without network connectivity.

Opening Keynote: Dariu Gavrila, Head of the Intelligent Vehicles Group at Delft University of Technology.

Visionary Keynote: Chris Gerdes, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, Co-Director, Center for Automotive Research (CARS), Stanford University

Emerging Technologies: Exploring the Future of Space Networks and Digital Healthcare

Emerging technologies such as NTN and digital healthcare are reshaping our world in ways we can only begin to imagine. The migration to NTNs to augment terrestrial 5G networks creates the potential for whole-world connectivity and new applications for space-based large-scale IoT. Artificial intelligence-powered digital healthcare and devices promise to dramatically improve disease prediction, diagnosis, treatment, and patient prognosis. Presenters will address the technical barriers that stand in the way.

Opening Keynote: Todd Humphreys, Ashley H. Priddy Centennial Professor of Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin

Visionary Keynote: Poppy Crum, NextSens Neuroscientist and Technologist and Chief Technology Officer

Exploring rapidly evolving technologies through innovation to reshape the human experience

keysight will explore the rapidly evolving technologies that are reshaping the human experience: innovation at keysight World: Innovation, the company's annual visionary conference for technology leaders, engineers and innovators. Industry leaders and futurists will share actionable insights on 6G, <>G, software-defined vehicles (SDV), non-terrestrial networks (NTN), and digital healthcare.

Gordon Moore challenged us all, and his predictions about the speed of innovation have implications for us that go far beyond transistor density," said Jeff Harris, vice president of product portfolio and global marketing at keysight. "Higher levels of electronic integration are giving rise to new levels of data sharing for standards like 5G and 6G, powerful integrated sensor networks capable of autonomous driving, the emergence of affordable spatial networks and the convergence of digital health technologies. We see all of these trends because our customers want us to help them create development environments that push the boundaries of these industries. keysight World: Innovation is our opportunity to share the possibilities in several key markets and hopefully inspire more engineers and designers to pursue their development insights and disrupt us all.

Each day of keysight World: Innovation will be organized around a disruptive technology theme, including opening keynotes from industry experts highlighting recent trends, moderated panel discussions covering industry challenges, visionary keynotes from industry luminaries, and demonstrations of relevant keysight solutions.

Mapping the Information Superhighway of the Meta-Universe with 5G/6G

The foundation of the metaverse is connectivity. Multiple layers of 5G and eventually 6G connectivity must seamlessly bridge connections and coexist peacefully for the metaverse to connect everything. Devices from large to small will compete for connectivity and will need to be constantly updated with devices that require ultra-fast latency. Attendees will gain insight into how the future of 5G and 6G will help map the information superhighway of the metaverse.

Opening Keynote: Jonathon Wright, Chief Evangelist, Software Testing Team, keysight

Vision Keynote: Walid Saad, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Virginia Tech

Software Defined Vehicles and the Sensor Fusion that Drives Them

SDV is the next key evolution in the automotive industry's journey toward full vehicle autonomous driving. Sensor modeling and fusion is the only way to achieve this evolution. But how does SDV make sense of all the data and identify the most important data to enable accurate, near-instantaneous decisions on the road? Attendees will discover how much AI/machine learning processing is required for autonomous driving to work reliably without network connectivity.

Opening Keynote: Dariu Gavrila, Head of the Intelligent Vehicles Group at Delft University of Technology.

Visionary Keynote: Chris Gerdes, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, Co-Director, Center for Automotive Research (CARS), Stanford University

Emerging Technologies: Exploring the Future of Space Networks and Digital Healthcare

Emerging technologies such as NTN and digital healthcare are reshaping our world in ways we can only begin to imagine. The migration to NTNs to augment terrestrial 5G networks creates the potential for whole-world connectivity and new applications for space-based large-scale IoT. Artificial intelligence-powered digital healthcare and devices promise to dramatically improve disease prediction, diagnosis, treatment, and patient prognosis. Presenters will address the technical barriers that stand in the way.

Opening Keynote: Todd Humphreys, Ashley H. Priddy Centennial Professor of Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin

Visionary Keynote: Poppy Crum, NextSens Neuroscientist and Technologist and Chief Technology Officer