Power Analyser and Recorder SPAW7000 - Ultra-high Precision Multifunctional Digital Power Analyser
The world's first high-precision power analysis and recording and storage as one of the super-powerful instrument, can be used to measure the inverter, motor, transformer and other power conversion device voltage, current, power, efficiency and other parameters.
SPAW7000 Power Analyser and Recorder Product Description
SPAW7000 provides 7 power input units, 2 motor input channels, and supports a variety of types of power module combinations.
The diversity of its measurement range and accuracy allows it to be widely used in various industries, such as electric vehicles, new energy, inverters, motors, batteries, lighting, household appliances and so on. The instrument is powerful, with multi-channel input, high-speed sampling, real-time numerical display, waveform display, trend graph, bar graph and vector diagram and other display functions, the use of its harmonic analysis, motor evaluation, voltage fluctuation and flicker measurements and FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) and other functions can be efficiently measured and analysed for a variety of systems.
Maximum measurement accuracy: ± (0.01% of reading + 0.02% of range)
Bandwidth: DC,0.1Hz-5MHz
7 power measurement channels + 2 motor input channels
Combinable configuration, multiple input ranges and accuracy modules
Simultaneous 7-harmonic independent analysis
Up to 500th harmonic analysis
Instantaneous power measurement
X-Y display
Up to 10ms data update rate
512GB/1TB solid state drive