Designed for installation, maintenance and remote measurement
The V3500A and U2020 Series, U8480 Series, and U2000 Series USB power sensors are lightweight and small, providing added convenience in the field - the lightweight U2049XA LAN power sensor can be operated remotely over a LAN network When you need to perform power measurements on the road or in a cell tower, the smaller, lighter, and fewer meters you have, the better for performing measurements. All you need to take advantage of the Keysight USB Power Sensor is a laptop computer with the BenchVue BV0007B Power Meter/Sensor Control & Analysis App (application).
Wireless Application
The U2042XA/4XA/49XA USB/LAN power sensors have a wide dynamic range (96/90 dB) and are capable of extremely fast measurements (50,000 readings/second). These power sensors and the N1911/2A P-Series Power Meters with N1921/22A power sensors allow you to easily set up and measure common signals such as DME, GSM, EDGE, WCDMA, WLAN and LTE signals using the built-in wireless presets, and you can also perform CCDF statistics measurements using graphical and tabular formats.