Wide measurement range
Power: +20dBm ~ -90dBm
AQ6370B can measure up to +20dBm optical power, so it can directly measure high power light sources, such as optical amplifiers and Raman amplifiers pump lasers. In accordance with the requirements of the test application and measurement speed, the measurement sensitivity can be selected from seven categories.
Wavelength: 600nm~1700nm
The AQ6370B covers not only telecom wavelengths, but also the visible wavelength range used for household appliances, medical and industrial material applications.
Real-time remote operation for monitoring and troubleshooting (AQ6370B Viewer)
AQ6370Viewer is a PC application software package for the AQ6370, AQ6370B and AQ6375. AQ6370BViewer is designed for the AQ6370B spectrum analyzer. This software has the exact same user interface and functions as the AQ6370B, so it is easy to display and analyze waveform data acquired by the AQ6370B.
Viewer function to retrieve and analyze the trace data files saved on the AQ6370B on a PC. (Tip: Measurements cannot be started in Viewer mode.)