Highly accurate precision 2-port microwave electronic calibrator
Frequency range: 300 kHz to 26.5 GHz or DC to 26.5 GHz (option 0DC)
Fast, easy, accurate, and complete 2-port calibration
Supports 3.5 mm connectors
Choice of male/male (option M0M), female/female (F0F) and male/male (M0F) connector configurations
Directly controlled by a Yestech vector network analyzer via USB port
The Keysight N4691D microwave electronic calibrator (ECal) allows for quick, easy, and accurate calibration of the Yestech vector network analyzer. The N4691D is a precision 2-port electronic calibrator that supports 3.5 mm connectors and a frequency range up to 26.5 GHz. Users can choose between a female-female, male-female, or female-female connector. The N4691D comes with a plastic storage case to keep electronic calibrators and accessories safe.
With a calibration frequency range down to DC, the N4691D Option 0DC enables users to use the enhanced time-domain analysis capabilities of the Yestech network analyzer for wideband device modeling or time-domain and signal integrity analysis.
This electronic calibrator is the ideal solution for calibrating vector network analyzers. It requires less than half the time and connections to perform a complete 2-port calibration as a traditional mechanical calibration kit. The user simply connects the electronic calibrator to the vector network analyzer's USB port and leaves the rest of the work to the firmware, reducing the chance of manual errors. This also reduces wear and tear on the connector, thus reducing maintenance costs for the test port connector and calibration standards.