DSOV334A Keysight Infiniium V-Series Oscilloscopes


Infiniium V-Series oscilloscopes feature innovative technologies designed to deliver superior measurements. Whether you're testing multiple high-speed serial channels or a massively parallel bus, the new 12.5 Gb/s, the longest 160-bit hardware serial trigger and the world's fastest 20 GSa/s The new 12.5 Gb/s, the longest 160-bit hardware serial trigger and the world's fastest 20 GSa/s digital channels provide just-in-time validation and debugging-allowing you to develop faster! next-generation technologies and research faster.

  • 33 GHz analogue bandwidth

  • 4 analogue channels

  • Up to 80 GSa/s sampling rate and 2 Gpts of acquisition memory for more complete signal trace capture

  • Lower noise floor (2.09 mVrms at 50 mV/division) and measurement jitter floor (100 fs) for excellent signal integrity

  • More than 5.5 effective number of bits (ENOB) and more than 50 dBC of spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR) for excellent measurement accuracy

  • Extensive jitter, trigger, analysis and protocol tools (including Precision Probe) to improve your tests

What's included.

  • 50 Mpts of memory

DSOV334A Keysight Infiniium V-Series Oscilloscopes

Infiniium V-Series oscilloscopes feature innovative technologies designed to deliver superior measurements. Whether you're testing multiple high-speed serial channels or a massively parallel bus, the new 12.5 Gb/s, the longest 160-bit hardware serial trigger and the world's fastest 20 GSa/s The new 12.5 Gb/s, the longest 160-bit hardware serial trigger and the world's fastest 20 GSa/s digital channels provide just-in-time validation and debugging-allowing you to develop faster! next-generation technologies and research faster.

  • 33 GHz analogue bandwidth

  • 4 analogue channels

  • Up to 80 GSa/s sampling rate and 2 Gpts of acquisition memory for more complete signal trace capture

  • Lower noise floor (2.09 mVrms at 50 mV/division) and measurement jitter floor (100 fs) for excellent signal integrity

  • More than 5.5 effective number of bits (ENOB) and more than 50 dBC of spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR) for excellent measurement accuracy

  • Extensive jitter, trigger, analysis and protocol tools (including Precision Probe) to improve your tests

What's included.

  • 50 Mpts of memory