M8194A keysight 120 GSa/s Arbitrary Waveform Generator


The Keysight M8194A Arbitrary Waveform Generator (AWG) features up to four simultaneous channels operating in a single module with best-in-class sample rates and bandwidths. Designed to meet 64 GBd/64 QAM and 100 GBd PAM4 requirements, the M8194A addresses coherent optical and multi-level/multi-channel digital signal requirements. The M8194A is a high speed AWG built by ZTE that provides 120 GSa/s sampling rate and up to 50 GHz bandwidth. The M8194A enables flexible and simple operation in single or multi-channel.

  • Model:M8194A 

  • Name: Arbitrary waveform generator

  • Brand:KEYSIGHT

  • Category:General Electronic Test > Signal Generator > Arbitrary Waveform Generator

  • Product attributes:Mainframe

Provides 1, 2 or 4 differential channels on a single-slot AXIe module, supporting optimized channel density
120 GSa/s sampling rate
Capable of generating arbitrary signals with frequency components up to 50 GHz
Cross-module synchronization
8-bit vertical resolution
512 kSamples per channel (PRBS 215-1 support)

400 G and 1 Gigabit applications require a new type of generator capable of providing high speed, accuracy and flexibility at the same time. the M8194A is the ideal solution for testing different optical systems, from discrete components such as optical power amplifiers to more complex dual polarization systems such as optical modulators or optical receivers.

Up to 4 channels per 1-slot axis module, each running up to 120 GSa/s, with an analog bandwidth of 45 GHZ, allows small form factor dual polarization testing, generating complex completion of the dual polarization test with up to 100 gobots using multiple modulation schemes (PAM4, PAM8QPSK, nQAM).

M8194A keysight 120 GSa/s Arbitrary Waveform Generator

The Keysight M8194A Arbitrary Waveform Generator (AWG) features up to four simultaneous channels operating in a single module with best-in-class sample rates and bandwidths. Designed to meet 64 GBd/64 QAM and 100 GBd PAM4 requirements, the M8194A addresses coherent optical and multi-level/multi-channel digital signal requirements. The M8194A is a high speed AWG built by ZTE that provides 120 GSa/s sampling rate and up to 50 GHz bandwidth. The M8194A enables flexible and simple operation in single or multi-channel.

  • Model:M8194A 

  • Name: Arbitrary waveform generator

  • Brand:KEYSIGHT

  • Category:General Electronic Test > Signal Generator > Arbitrary Waveform Generator

  • Product attributes:Mainframe

Provides 1, 2 or 4 differential channels on a single-slot AXIe module, supporting optimized channel density
120 GSa/s sampling rate
Capable of generating arbitrary signals with frequency components up to 50 GHz
Cross-module synchronization
8-bit vertical resolution
512 kSamples per channel (PRBS 215-1 support)

400 G and 1 Gigabit applications require a new type of generator capable of providing high speed, accuracy and flexibility at the same time. the M8194A is the ideal solution for testing different optical systems, from discrete components such as optical power amplifiers to more complex dual polarization systems such as optical modulators or optical receivers.

Up to 4 channels per 1-slot axis module, each running up to 120 GSa/s, with an analog bandwidth of 45 GHZ, allows small form factor dual polarization testing, generating complex completion of the dual polarization test with up to 100 gobots using multiple modulation schemes (PAM4, PAM8QPSK, nQAM).